Git Commands

Git Commands

Configure global git ignore

  1. try to get the current config

     \$ git config --get core.excludesfile
  2. if it doesn’t exist, you can create a file

     \$ git config --global core.excludesFile '~/.gitignore'
     \$ git config --get core.excludesfile                  
     \$ ~/.gitignore

Two ways of creating a GitHub repository

There are two ways to create a Github repository. One is pushing from local to remote, another is pulling from remote to local.

1. Create a repo on Github and Clone it to local

  1. Create a repo on Github
  2. Go to the project, find a URL
  3. Go to your local folder, run command git clone URL

2. Create a local repository, push it to your Github account

  1. Go to your Github page, create a new repository, select Push an existing repository, get your repo address
  2. Create a directory to contain the project, go into this directory
  3. git init to initialise it as a Git Repository
  4. You’ll probably want to create a .gitignore file
  5. Run git add . and git commit -m "Commit message"
  6. In your local, run git remote add origin REPO_URL. You can get your REPO_URL from git remote -v
  7. Push your code: git push -u origin YOUR_BRANCH, in this case can be git push -u origin master

3. Configure remote url

# works without internet
\$ git config --get remote.origin.url

# works with internet
\$ git remote show origin


Last Updated: Dec 2019

