What I Did After Updating Database by Mistake?

So sorry that I falsely updated the database with the following script:

update dbo.country
set country = 'Australia'
 -- where countryID = 'AU'

I didn’t select the last line, so all the original data under country column is lost and cannot be rollback. I write this blog to record what I’ve after that:

  1. Call DBA, ask for a backup instance
  2. Call manager, report the mistake
  3. Migrate the data back from the backup instance to production
  4. Write an Email to tell manager all done

What I learnt:

UPDATE dbo.count
UPDATE dbo.count WHERE countryID = 'AU'
UPDATE dbo.count SET country = 'Australia' WHERE countryID = 'AU'
UPDATE dbo.count SET country = 'Australia' WHERE countryID = 'AU'; -- add ;