Thinking in jQuery
jQuery, live long and prosper!
1. How to select DOM elements
the basic design concept of JQ is that it selects an element from DOM and manipulate it directly.
the select expression can be CSS selectors
$(document) // to select whole document object
$('#myId') // to select the element whose ID is myId
$('div.myClass') // to select the element whose class is myclass
$('input[name=first]') // the input element whose name attribute is 'first'
the select expression can also be JQ expression
$('a:first') // to select the first element in the page
$('tr:odd') // to select odd rows
$('#myform :input') // to select input element in the form
$('div:visible') // to select visible elements
$('div:gt(2)') //to select all div elements except the first three (index starts from 0)
$('div:animated') // to select those elements that is currently animating
2. Manipulate the result sets
jQ provides various of filter so that you can filter the result set to get your data.
$('div').has('p'); // select div elements have p
$('div').not('.myClass'); // select classes the don't have myClass
$('div').filter('.myClass'); //select class = myClass
$('div').fist(); //fist div
$('div').eq(5); //select 6th div element
Sometimes, we need to start from the result set and move to our target data. jQ also provides methods to move on the DOM tree.
$('div').next('p'); //select first p after div
$('div').parent(); //select div's parent element
$('div').closet('form');//select the form parent element nearest div
$('div').children(); //select all child elements of div
$('div').siblings(); //select all div elements with same level
3. Chainning
After selecting your target element from DOM, you can also manipulate it. Like $('div').find('h3').eq(2).html('hello');
, to be specific:
$('div') //find div elements
.find('h3') //select the h3 elements
.eq(2) //the 3rd h3 element
.html('hello'); //change its content to hello
Note that, each jQuery returns a jQuery object so that we can do the chainning.
In jQuery, there is a .end()
method. It basically goes back to the parent set.
.end() //go back one step, to -> .find('h3')
.eq(0) //select first h2
4. DOM manipulating: get and set values
Parameters will decide whether it is to set or get value.
$('h1').html(); //no parameters, it will get value of h1
$('h1').html('Hello'); //It will set value "Hello" to h1
.html() //set or get html values
.text() //set or get text contents
.attr() //set or get an attribute's value
.width() //set or get width of an element
.height() //set or get height of an element
.val() //get, only get, the value of an element from a form
** if there are multipul elements in the result set, setting values will set to everty element.
** However, we only the first element’s value. Exception is .text()
it gets all elements text content
5. DOM manipulating: position
Two ways to update element’s position, first is to move this element directly and second is to move other elements. If we want to move a div, make it in the end of p element:
//first way, just move div after p. Returns div element
//second way, move p in front of div. Returns p element
.insertAfter() vs. .after()
.insertBefore() vs. .before()
.appendTo() vs. .append()
.prependTo() vs. .prepend()
6. DOM manipulating: copy and create elements
- Clone element:
- Delete element:
will delete element
will retain element, can insert to other places - Empty element:
Create element
$('<p>Hello</p>'); $('<li class="new">new list item</li>'); $('ul').append('<li>list item</li>');