Prepare for OCAJP, (3)

String and some common APIs.


  1. Immutability
    • String is immutable, which means unchangeable.
    • Immutable only has a getter. There’s no way to change the value of s once it’s set.
    • immutable classes in Java are final, and subclasses can’t add mutable behavior.
  2. String Pool
    • myObject.toString() is a string but not a literal, so it does not go into the string pool.
    • Strings not in the string pool are garbage collected just like any other object.
       String name = "Fluffy";  //String pool
       String name = new String("Fluffy"); //NO, JVM
  3. Important String Methods
    • length()returns the number of characters in the String.
    • charAt()lets you query the string to find out what character is at a s index.
    • indexOf() second argument is optional, it’s fromIndex.
    • substring() optional second parameter, which is the end index
    • toLowerCase() and toUpperCase()
    • equals() and equalsIgnoreCase()
    • startsWith() and endsWith()
    • contains() looks for matches in the String.
    • trim()removes whitespace, \r (carriage return),\t (tab) and \n (newline)
     String string = "animals"; 
     System.out.println(string.length()); // 7
     System.out.println(string.charAt(0)); // a
     System.out.println(string.indexOf('a', 4)); //4
     System.out.println(string.indexOf("al", 5)); //-1
     System.out.println(string.substring(3)); // mals
     System.out.println(string.substring(3, 4)); // m
     System.out.println(string.substring(3, 3)); // empty string 
     System.out.println(string.substring(3, 2)); // throws exception
     System.out.println("abc".endsWith("c")); // true
     System.out.println("abc".contains("b")); // true
     System.out.println("\t a b c\n".trim()); // a b c
  4. Equality
    • equals compares values
    • == compares references


  1. charAt(), indexOf(), length(), and substring()
  2. append() is by far the most frequently used method
  3. insert() adds characters to the requested index
  4. delete() and deleteCharAt()
  5. reverse()
  6. toString


  • equals compares values
  • == compares references


The array does not allocate space for the String objects.
Instead, it allocates space for a reference to where the objects are really stored.

  1. Sorting
     String[] strings = { "10", "9", "100" }; 
  2. Searching

    have to be a sorted array


  1. import package
      import java.util.* ;// import whole package including ArrayList 
      import java.util.ArrayList; // import just ArrayList
  2. add() insert a new value in the ArrayList.
      boolean add(E element) 
      void add(int index, E element)
  3. remove remove the fi rst matching value in the ArrayList or remove the element at a specified index.
      boolean remove(Object object) 
      E remove(int index)
  4. set() method changes one of the elements of the ArrayList without changing the size. Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
     E set(int index, E newElement)
  5. isEmpty() and size()
  6. clear()discard all elements of the ArrayList, make it empty
  7. contains()
      boolean contains(Object object)
  8. Wrapper Classes
      int primitive = Integer.parseInt("123"); 
      Integer wrapper = Integer.valueOf("123");
  9. Converting Between array and List
      Object[] objectArray = list.toArray();
      List<String> list = Arrays.asList(array); // returns fixed size list

Dates and Times

  1. Import time classes

     import java.time.*;
  2. Creating Dates and Times
    • LocalDate, like your birthday this year
    • LocalTime, like, “midnight”
    • LocalDateTime, like “the stroke of midnight on New Year’s”
    • ZonedDateTime, Oracle recommends avoiding time zones unless you really need them.
     LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.of(2015, Month.JANUARY, 20);
     LocalTime time1 = LocalTime.of(6, 15);// hour and minute
     LocalDateTime dateTime1 = LocalDateTime.of(2015, Month.JANUARY, 20, 6, 15, 30);
     LocalDateTime dateTime2 = LocalDateTime.of(date1, time1);
     LocalDate.of(2015, Month.JANUARY, 32) // throws DateTimeException
  3. Manipulating Dates and Times

    The date and time classes are immutable, just like String was. This means that we need to remember to assign the results of these methods to a reference variable so they are not lost.

     LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2020, Month.JANUARY, 20);
     LocalTime time = LocalTime.of(5, 15);
     LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.of(date, time);
     dateTime = dateTime.minusDays(1);
     dateTime = dateTime.minusHours(10);
     dateTime = dateTime.minusSeconds(30);
     //chaining method
     LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.of(date2, time) .minusDays(1).minusHours(10).minusSeconds(30);

    tricky parts

     LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2020, Month.JANUARY, 20); 
     date.plusDays(10);  //January 20, 2020. Adding 10 days was useless because we ignored the result.
     date = date.plusMinutes(1); // DOES NOT COMPILE. LocalDate does not contain time
  4. Working with Periods
    • LocalDate has toEpochDay(), which is the number of days since January 1, 1970.
    • LocalDateTime has toEpochTime(), which is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.
    • LocalTime does not have an epoch method.
    • Special January 1, 1970 refers to when it was January 1, 1970 in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
    • You shouldnot chain methods when creating a Period
     Period annually = Period.ofYears(1);
     Period quarterly = Period.ofMonths(3);
     Period everyThreeWeeks = Period.ofWeeks(3);
     Period everyOtherDay = Period.ofDays(2);
     Period everyYearAndAWeek = Period.of(1, 0, 7);
     Period wrong = Period.ofYears(1).ofWeeks(1); // every week
  5. Formatting Dates and Times
    • DateTimeFormatter is in the package java.time.format.
    • two predefi ned formats that can show up on the exam: SHORT and MEDIUM.
     LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2020, Month.JANUARY, 20); 
     LocalTime time = LocalTime.of(11, 12, 34); 
     LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.of(date, time);
     System.out.println(date .format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE));// 2020-01-20
     DateTimeFormatter shortDateTime = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(FormatStyle.SHORT);
     System.out.println(shortDateTime.format(dateTime)); // 1/20/20
     System.out.println(shortDateTime.format(date)); // 1/20/20
     System.out.println(shortDateTime.format(time)); // UnsupportedTemporalTypeException, a time cannot be formatted as a date
     DateTimeFormatter mediumF = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.MEDIUM);
     System.out.println(mediumF.format(dateTime)); // Jan 20, 2020 11:12:34 AM
     DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMMM dd, yyyy, hh:mm"); System.out.println(dateTime.format(f)); // January 20, 2020, 11:12
  6. Parsing Dates and Times

    convert a String to a date or time.

     DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM dd yyyy"); 
     LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse("01 02 2015", f); // 2015-01-02
     LocalTime time = LocalTime.parse("11:22"); // 11:22

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