Mockito Basic

“Once,” said the Mock Turtle at last, with a deep sigh, “I was a real Turtle.” —Alice In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

Mockito Basic

Knowing the SUT(system under test) is important. In order to test a SUT (the class to be tested), a developer must make sure that the class’s dependencies won’t interfere with its tests.

  • You can use either mocks and stubs for the dependency.
  • A stub is a fake class that comes with preprogrammed return values. It’s injected into the class under test to give you absolute control over what’s being tested as input. A typical stub is a database connection that allows you to mimic any scenario without having a real database.
  • A mock is a fake class that can be examined after the test is finished for its interactions with the class under test. For example, you can ask it whether a method was called or how many times it was called. Typical mocks are classes with side effects that need to be examined, e.g. a class that sends emails or sends data to another external service.
  • You can use Mockito in either Integration Test or Unit tests
  • Common targets for mocking are:
    • Database connections,
    • Web services,
    • Slow classes,
    • Classes with side effects, and
    • Classes with non-deterministic behaviour.

How to mock a behaviour

  1. Before method run, you tell Mockito what to do when methods got called
  2. While method run, mock instance run without dependencies
  3. After method run, you verify the result

Mockito offers two ways of stubbing.

  1. when this method is called, then do something
  2. Do something when this mock’s method is called with the given arguments

The first way is considered preferred because: it is typesafe and readable

However, sometimes you’re forced to use the second way, such as when stubbing a real method of a spy because calling it may have unwanted side effects.

Enable Mockito annotations

With jUnit 4

Two ways

  1. Annotate the JUnit testing class

    Mockito runner initializes proxy objects annotated with the @Mock annotation.

    public class MockitoAnnotationTest {}
  2. Initialise it inside of @Before

    public void init() {

With jUnit 5

class MockitoAnnotationTest {}

Common Annotations

  • @Mock creates and injects mocked instances. It equals to Mockito.mock.
  • @Spy spy the behavious (in order to verify them).
  • Captor to create an ArgumentCaptor instance.
  • @InjectMocks to inject mock fields into the tested object automatically.
  • @MockBean uses in Spring Boot. We use it to add mock objects to the Spring application context. The mock will replace any existing bean of the same type in the application context. It’s useful when you need to mock an external service.

1. @Mock

  • Without @Mock

    public void testWithoutMockAnnotation() {
        List mockList = Mockito.mock(ArrayList.class);
  • With @Mock

    @Mock List<String> mockedList;
    public void testWithMockAnnotation() {

2. @Spy

It’s partial mocking the object.

  • You can mock its behaviour
  • Othewise it uses real method
List<String> spiedList = new ArrayList<String>();

public void whenUseSpyAnnotation_thenSpyIsInjectedCorrectly() {


    assertEquals(2, spiedList.size());

    assertEquals(100, spiedList.size());

3. @Captor

  @Mock List mockedList;
  @Captor ArgumentCaptor argCaptor;

  public void testWithCaptorAnnotation() {

      assertEquals("one", argCaptor.getValue());
    public class AppleService {
    SQSService sqsService;

        public void updateApple(){
            var event = new UpdatedAppleEvent();

    public class AppleServiceTest {

        AppleService appleService;

        SQSService sqsService;

        ArgumentCaptor<UpdatedAppleEvent> eventCaptor =  ArgumentCaptor.forClass(UpdatedAppleEvent.class);

        void testSendsEventToQueue() {

            ScoutingMeasurementEvent event = eventCaptor.getValue();

4. @InjectMocks

It’s used to instantiate the @InjectMock annotated field and inject all the @Mock or @Spy annotated fields into it (if applicable).

All test class fields are scanned for annotations and proper test doubles are initialized and injected into the @InjectMocks annotated object (either by a constructor, property setter, or field injection, in that precise order).

If Mockito is not able to inject test doubles into the @InjectMocks annotated fields through either of the strategies, it won’t report failure—the test will continue as if nothing happened (and most likely, you will get NullPointerException).

public class Box { 
    Shoes shoes;

@Mock Shoes mockShoes;
@InjectMocks Box box; // mockShoes will be initialised and inject into box

public blah(){}

5. @MockBean

Mockito in Spring Boot


  • It is a Spring Boot annotation,
  • It allows to add Mockito mocks in a Spring ApplicationContext.
  • If a bean, compatible with the declared class exists in the context, it replaces it by the mock.
  • If it is not the case, it adds the mock in the context as a bean.
  • used to define a new Mockito mock bean or replace a Spring bean with a mock bean and inject that into their dependent beans.
  • The annotation can be used directly on test classes, on fields within your test, or on @Configuration classes and fields.
  • When used on a field, the instance of the created mock is also injected
  • Mock beans will be automatically reset after each test method.
  • If your test uses one of Spring Boot’s test annotations (such as@SpringBootTest), this feature is automatically enabled.
public class MockBeanAnnotationIntegrationTest {

    UserRepository mockUserRepository;

    public void givenCountMethodMocked_WhenCountInvoked_ThenMockValueReturned() {
            .thenReturn(new Something());

Argument Matchers

Returing Custom Response

  1. When… Then

           invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0) + "!");
    when(passwordEncoder.encode("1")).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    // throw exception instance
      .thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException());
    // throw exception class
  2. Do… When

    doAnswer(invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0) + "!")
    doThrow(new IllegalArgumentException()).when(passwordEncoder).encode("1");
  • eq() //todo

Mock a void method

Mock a single saving

Saving a new User object, means service accept a user without Id and will return a user with id to the front end. When we mockito it, we would do it this way:

when( Answer<String>() {
    public User answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
        User user = (User)invocation.getArguments()[0];
        return user;

Mock a batch saving

In order to improve performance, we sometimes like to use saveAll() method. So this time we pass in a list of Users, here is the answer:

    .thenAnswer(new Answer<List<User>>() {
        public List<User> answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            List<User> users = (List)invocation.getArguments()[0];

            User user = users
                    .filter(user -> user.getId() == null)

            return users;

Handle expected exception

In jUnit 4

when(myMock.doSomething()).thenThrow(new MyException());
public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none();

public void testExceptionMessage() throws Exception {
    expectedException.expectMessage("The expected message");

    given( AnyException("The expected message"));

In jUnit 5

void offeringPricesIsNull() {
    Exception theException = Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
        CalculatorUtils.calculateMonthlyBill(null, 1d);

    String actualMessage = exception.getMessage();

What Mockito cannot do

Mockito cannot mock or spy on:

  • Java constructs such as final classes and methods
  • static methods,
  • enums,
  • private methods (with Spring ReflectionTestUtils)
  • the equals() and hashCode() methods,
  • primitive types, and
  • anonymous classes.

Answer to this:

  • PowerMockito, an extension of the Mockito, let us mock static and private methods.
  • As per the design, you should not opt for mocking private or static properties because it violates the encapsulation.
  • You should refactor the offending code to make it testable.

Mockito mock private methods using RelectionTestUtils

The org.springframework.test.util package contains ReflectionTestUtils, which is a collection of relection-based utility methods to set a non-public field or invoke a private/protected setter method when testing the application code.

public class ReflectionUtilsTest {

    public void private_field_access() throws Exception {

        Secret myClass = new Secret();

        Field secretField = ReflectionUtils.findField(Secret.class, "secret", String.class); assertNotNull(secretField);

        assertEquals("zko", ReflectionUtils.getField(secretField, myClass));

        ReflectionUtils.setField(secretField, myClass, "cool");
        assertEquals("cool", ReflectionUtils.getField(secretField, myClass));


1. The component is really bad designed and had too many dependencies

If we need to re-mock many dependency beans, how about we extract the logic into an abstract class?

public abstract class MockedRepository {
    public ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    public NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate;

    public JdbcTemplate jdbc;

    public Security security;

    public UsersRepository usersRepository;

2. To mock it self

public class ItSelfRepositoryTest extends MockedRepository {

    private DependencyOne dependencyOne;

    private DependencyTwo dependencyTwo;

    private ItSelfRepository itSelfRepository;

    static class ItSelfRepositoryConfiguration {
        public ItSelfRepository itSelfRepository() {
            return new ItSelfRepository();

3. Override default Spring-Boot settings in Junit Test

You can use @TestPropertySource to override values in E.g.,

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = ExampleApplication.class)
public class ExampleApplicationTests { }

NB. @TestPropertySource can accept a properties argument to overwrite some property inline, such as @TestPropertySource(properties = "myConf.myProp=valueInTest"), it’s useful in case that you don’t want a totally brand new property file.


Last update: 12 2021 on Captor